Mathematics 2012


We have started with the classification of shapes;  and are using graph paper to transpose shapes of objects onto paper.   Circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon have been introduced.  

We shall continue to exploring different characteristics of geometric shapes.

Applied maths (Measurement)
Measurement has been explored through practical application in cooking and making things.
Time - to the quarter hour.

 We share continue to find daily applications for mathematics.

Algebra (Number)
Beginning to explore numbers to 1000. We have done introductions to the functions - addition, subtraction and multiplication.   Division has been approached as sharing between groups.  We practice skip counting  in 2’s,3’s,5’s,10’s and 100’s.  We will work on times tables and other maths facts.

Chance and Data
We plan to collect weather data daily; do sorting activities; play board games; learn to compile graphs.


  • Montessori method and home-made manipulatives
  • Singapore Maths book 2B
  • computer resources from the library
  • suduko and various games

Math proposed timetable

  • daily lesson
  • daily practice